Sad Tidings, Glad Tidings

This morning I received the news that my Godfather, Roger, had died. He wasn’t the best of Godfathers but when […]

All I Want For Christmas is…?

Depending on your age, you will have responded to this question with “me two front teeth” (first released in 1944), […]

The Case for the Prosecution?

It’s been quite a weekend in the News, hasn’t it? From America, threats of prosecution for voter fraud and illegal […]

Cross Purposes?

The picture above is the Victoria Cross, the highest military ward, given for outstanding acts of bravery in the field, […]

Food, Glorious Food!

Wow, what a week it’s been! Last Friday’s blog was all about how could we respond to the Government’s disgraceful […]

What can I do?

The image above is based on one of my favourite stories, one that I have used in Church, in School […]