Biggleswade Food Bank – Supporter Information

Thank you for considering supporting the Biggleswade Baptist Church Food bank. We value the trust you place in us to distribute any food, funds or time well. We rely entirely on donations to provide food for the clients and couldn’t do the work we do without your support. There are a selection of ways you can support us.

Giving Food

We use a non-profit app called BankTheFood which can be downloaded for your phone (click here). This allows us to share current needs within the food bank and ensure resources meet demand as best as possible. If you are unable to use the app, there is normally a need for UHT milk, Tinned Veg and Meat meals. There are some restrictions on the food we can usefully distribute. These are for medical (alcohol and high caffeine drinks), practical reasons (fresh or frozen food) or safety reasons (out of date food, opened food or homemade food). There are also non food items you might consider giving such as toiletries, cleaning products, pet food or baby items. They are included on our app. We have collection points at Aldi, Sainsburys and Asda. We can also be available at the church by arrangement. Please email to make arrangements.

Giving Time

We have several jobs that need to be done either weekly or occasionally and are happy to hear from people who would like to support the work we do. This could be volunteering at a food bank session, collecting food from collection points or helping to sort, date and store food for later use. If any of this interests you, please email us on

Giving Money

If you would rather support the Food Bank with a one off or regular donation, we have a dedicated bank account used just for buying food we need for food parcels. If you would like to donate towards the running of the food bank for storage, phone contract or staffing costs, donations can be made to the main church bank account referencing ‘running of FB’. Please contact us for more details of how to support in this way.

We want to personally thank you, on behalf of many who never get the chance to, for your support and generosity at this time.