(Please note this picture was taken before the imposition of social distancing regulations!)
I was watching the England v Wales football match last night and, eagle-eyed as I am, I noticed that both sides had the same kit sponsor, namely good old BT. Now I don’t know if something subliminal was going on or what, but it reminded me of the old advert with Bob Hoskins, entitled “It’s good to talk” – and that seemed like a good topic for today’s blog, so here we go…
There has been a lot in the media recently about the next possible lockdown and the potential effect it can or will have on people’s mental health after having already been in a strange existence for six months. This of course is exacerbated by the shorter days and longer periods of darkness we will experience as Winter draws in and we can’t get out as much. So before things get too difficult, I want to encourage us all to pick up that phone, make that call, or video chat, or even send a text, to let someone know we are thinking of them – it could make all the difference to the day for a neighbour, friend or loved one. And let’s be proactive – don’t wait for someone to ring us – and maybe while we are still allowed to, arrange to meet up for a socially distanced coffee and cake?
I posted something the other day on Facebook about the fact that it does our hearts physical good to have contact with another person, and how important things like hugs are to our wellbeing too. So don’t forget to hug anyone with whom you are sharing a home or a a “bubble”, too.
And of course don’t forget to talk to your Heavenly Father about things as well. Maybe your starting point is to ask Him to point you to someone who would appreciate a call, someone for whom you could be a real positive encouragement. But also remember that we can bring all our needs and concerns to Him – as it says it Philippians 4v6 and 7, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
Go on. Have a chat with God. tell Him what’s going on. Ask him to show you how you can be a blessing to someone else today. It really is good to talk.
God bless, stay safe